Take Action for Our Children's Future.

Join Madisonunited.org in Demanding Change in the Madison Metropolitan School District

Our children deserve an education that celebrates their unique strengths and meets their individual needs. Yet, the Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD) continues to fail our neurodivergent and physically divergent students.

We, the parents, teachers, and advocates of Madisonunited.org, demand that the MMSD Board of Education take immediate action to address this critical issue.

Our Demands:

  • Center MMSD around educating neurodivergent and physically divergent students.

  • Modify the strategic framework to reflect this new focus.

  • Hire a superintendent who understands and has experience in implementing the vision expressed in our goals.

  • Adopt evidence-based systems proven to enhance the learning outcomes of neurodivergent and physically divergent students.

  • Establish a foundational ethics code that promotes transparency, accountability, and a culture of mutual support.

Why We Must Act Now:

  • Our children deserve better.

  • The current system is failing them.

  • We cannot afford to wait any longer.

Join This Movement:

  • Contact your MMSD Board of Education members and voice your demands.

  • Attend the next MMSD Board of Education meeting and make your voice heard.

Only together, we can make a difference in the lives of our children.